Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Deja Vu All Over Again

CHICKS ROCK! is happy to have Kristina back as a guest blogger this week.Kristina Leonardi is the founder of The Women’s Mosaic. She is a career/life coach, speaker, seminar leader and expert in the areas of career development, work/life wellness and personal growth.

The following was originally posted on March 22, 2011 on Kristina's blog.  Right now there is a lot of  turmoil in the world, much of it not even being reported in the mainstream news.  It's great to watch The Voice and Real Housewives for an escape once and a while, but important not to ignore what is happening in the world around us.


One thing we know for sure is that history, unfortunately, often repeats itself. War is rarely simple or justified. We've had so many movies and video games laden with violence that as a society we've become de-sensitized. What we see on the big screen is now starting to unfold in reality on the small; even still there has been so much massive tragedy and destruction the last several years, both natural and man-made, it doesn't even phase us as much as it should. As long as we still have our DWTS, American Idol and Jersey Shore we can numb ourselves and tune out. When will we ever learn??

Because we've been lulled into such a state of complacency and so many are dealing with financial survival, the gravity of what happened this weekend is barely registering our richter scale. But if you can't comprehend and connect globally, then at least reflect and act locally.

There's a old song that says "Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me." So the question is: Are you at war with yourself? Is your head battling your heart and gut as to the direction it wants to go, or your body struggling with your mind and not doing what you need it to? Where in your life is history repeating itself? What conflicts are constantly being re-created with different uniforms, labels, scenarios and countries?

As Bob Marley sang, we don't need No More Trouble, not only with our multi-front wars in the Middle East, but our wars at home on the middle class, women's health, Muslims, and homosexuals to name a few. Right now we're Rock in the Casbah but at the end of the day All You Need is Love , so start by learning to Love the One You're With - yourself and those closest to you. Then, and only then, can we start to truly stand united and break the chains of our past.

As Yogi Berra famously said, 'It ain't over til it's over', so if you're feeling like you've been stuck in a Nick at Nite M*A*S*H marathon loop, give me a buzz and we'll pull the plug, launch Operation Open Heart and finish this thing once and for all.

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