Thursday, June 3, 2010

Toast (or Dance) to Your Health

As you already know, TWM has been celebrating a World of Wellness this month, with email blasts, and health-themed posts here on CHICKS ROCK!. For those of you in NYC, the culmination of all of this will be two live events. Check out the details below and be sure to RSVP today!

Latin-Lindy Dance Class with Larissa Velez
Saturday, June 12th, 2-3pm

A high octane aerobic workout, dancing Swing Samba, Salsa and more! Open to all levels.

COST: $12.50 for TWM Members; $20 for Non-Members
LOCATION: Ripley Grier Studios, 520 8th Ave. bet 36th and 37th, 16th floor

RSVP & Payment in Advance Required:


TWM's Healthy Happy Hour!
Thursday, June 10th, 6:30pm-9pm

Come celebrate the culmination of our TWM World of Wellness series- meet and consult with health and wellness providers, receive a Resource Guide, take home some goodies and have a drink (some studies have indeed shown this to be beneficial - but alcohol or not, it's healthy to socialize with TWM friends old and new!). Enjoy drink specials until 8pm!

LOCATION: SideBar 118 East 15th Street at Irving Place


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