Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Perfect (Non)Holiday Celebration

After 2010 kicked our butts, you would think my friends and I would all be eager to so goodbye & good riddance and celebrate the start of what will hopefully be a better year. Instead, all of us were sort of over the idea of celebrating. One friend even said that she was considering getting to bed before the ball dropped and sleeping through the big moment, not waking up until the next morning. My only requirement for the night was that it involve macaroni & cheese and a lot of wine. All of us were basically hoping we could pretend it wasn't a holiday and move on.

At the last minute, we figured out a way to celebrate that was just what we needed: something low-key, pressure-free, and fun. Most importantly, we'd be together.

My best friend and I made macaroni & cheese with peas, onions and bacon that tasted even more delicious than it sounds. Then we broke out the wine, had dinner with my sisters, and played Taboo and Trivial Pursuit for the rest of the night with a couple of other friends who joined us later on. We took a three-minute break to watch the ball drop, but were otherwise so caught up in all the fun we were having that we kept forgetting what we were there for. Basically, it was just what we needed to distract ourselves from the pain and drama of 2010 and focus on a lighter, happier future. I have to say, it's one of the best New Year's "celebrations" I've ever had.

How do you usually celebrate New Year's?

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