Tuesday, December 13, 2011

What's 2012 Got for Us?

As 2011 comes to a close, most of us are reflecting on how it went and wondering what 2012 might hold for us. My best friend and I were so emotionally and mentally drained from 2010, we just wanted it to be over and couldn't wait for 2011 to begin. We figured, hey, it can't get much worse!

We were right to expect great things in 2011: we both found jobs we loved, apartments in neighborhoods near each other, roommates we not only tolerated but actually liked, new friends, new lovers, and a lot more. I'm sure there are other people out there who had even better, more eventful 2011s, but we've got reason to be happy with what we got.

Now that 2012 is nearly upon us, I'm starting to worry about what it has in store for us. One thing we know for sure is that we're going on a week-long trip to Antigua in February, and something tells me we'll definitely need it. By then, we'll each have new roommates that we hope we like as much as the ones we have now, as one of my roommates and her only roommate are both moving to the West Coast (not together, just a coincidence). Oh, and then there's the little thing of having to look for a new source of income because I'll be unemployed as of December 30th.

I guess you can say the year is ending with as much newness and uncertainty as it brought throughout the year. I just hope this rocky end to 2011 doesn't bleed too much into 2012 so we can both start fresh as quickly as possible and recharge our batteries on a warm beach in the Caribbean.

What do you think 2012 holds for you?

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