Friday, March 6, 2009

Friday Forum: Inspirational Women

In honor of Women's History Month, this month's Friday Forums will have that theme.

This week we're asking you, who are the women that inspire you? What is it about them that you find so inspiring? These women can be living or dead, famous strangers or close friends, etc.

We'd love to hear your answers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Women that inspire me..

My friend, Bonny, who died with cancer. When she found out that it had spread, she put on a bathing suit, sunglasses, and went and laid in an inner tube in the pool. She had a going away party, asked for a toast of champagne. Had people bring her funeral, she had representatives of all faiths present, played upbeat music. She accepted death with dignity and a part of life's renewal.

My Mother, who also died with cancer. She had to go to work at the age of 56 when my Father died. I was 17. She worked until the place closed down, and she was 75. She was proud, tough, believed in God, and would have given the shirt off her own body to someone else who needed it.

My daughter, who, in spite of everything, continues to land on her feet, and perseveres.

All women who have made it to the top, in spite of women still not being considered equal...including myself!!!

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