Thursday, March 26, 2009

Women Warriors Part II

CHICKS ROCK! is happy to have Kristina back as a guest blogger this week:

Kristina Leonardi is the founder of The Women’s Mosaic. She is a career/life path consultant, speaker, seminar leader and expert in the areas of women, diversity and personal growth.

Join her at TWM's Visioning Workshop this Saturday, March 28. See her speak for free April 4 at Equinox when she presents: Spring Cleaning for the Soul.

In our Spring TWM eNewsletter, I thank the Women Warriors of the past for getting us to a place where we can now truly be whoever we want to be regardless of our gender. I think we are entering into another phase of being ‘women warriors’ in the broadest sense of the word - we are fighting for the right to live the lives we want – for our ability to be in touch with our deepest desires and having the courage to obtain them; to express who we are and what we want in a most unapologetic way.

I’d like to think of the term “warrior” here as a concept for forging our own path, regardless of what the outside world is telling us we should or should not be doing, can or cannot achieve. Now is the time to fight for your Self to fully exist. It is a time to be strong and fight for yourself like a mother bear would fight for her cub; to make your life your own, a work of art; to craft and shape it in the way that suits you best and fits your own personal definition of beauty, fulfillment and happiness. Only when we do that can we really become warriors for others, which won't always have to be in an external way - simply by exercising our right to be who we are allows others to do the same.

It has taken years of struggle and sacrifice from thousands of women warriors before us to push through to this point, where we can be the full contributors to society we are meant to be. Let us be so grateful that we do not have to deal with the severe limitations of the past and can determine our own destiny in every area of our lives.

As I mentioned in my previous post, now is a great time to do some self-reflection and find a treasure trove of strength, talent and resources we never knew we had. Make the most of this opportunity and gift that you have been given from our foremothers - make yourself better, fight for who you are, what you love, what you want to do, what you believe in. Fight the good fight, but fight for yourself, your individuality first and foremost, and all else will follow...

1 comment:

Original Designer Woman said...

Kristina is an amazing woman who gives guidance to women who want change!

She has always supported me and I will continue to support her!

Zanade Mann

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